Sydney's Story

Hi, my name is Sydney, and I'm going to tell you a little about my life. I was adopted when I was born. I've grown up knowing I was adopted and that my birth mother had to give me up when I was young.  I totally love my life with my adoptive parents. They are my mother and father, nothing less. I am their daughter, even if we don’t share the same blood. They took me in, and now I am their family and they are mine. And they always were.

Tess's Story

I thank God every day for our birthmother. 

As a 17 year old high school senior, Dawn was an impressive girl; wise for her years, strong in her convictions, and very courageous. And she had chosen us. She had gotten pregnant on a one-night stand on New Years’ Eve, so marrying the boy was not an option for her.

Valerie's Story

After 10 years of marriage, we had everything we could possible have wanted in the material world (wish now we had put more into our retirement accounts!): plenty of money, good jobs, multiple homes, jewelry, vacations, cars, even a plane. There was something missing in our lives and I’m sure you have guessed that it was children.

Maureen's Story- Our Beautiful Boys

It all began early one September day as school was starting and the school district I was working in was dealing with staffing cuts, budget cuts, and poor morale.  I had only been the Business Manager not quite a year at the time. Sometime in the late morning, the Public Relations Officer came into my office and closed the door. It seemed I was not going to like the information she had to share…this is how she started.