Speaking Events
Upcoming: RENEW Retreat
April 2025. Birth Mother panel. Details to come.
Jan. 2025. Adoption Legislation from both 2024 and 2025 were reviewed as a briefing for the Legislature. Here’s the Video.
CAFO, Christian Alliance for Orphans Annual Conference.
Sept. 2024 in Nashville
Workshop: “Honoring Both Mothers: How to Navigate this Relationship with Grace”.
Terri Marcroft & Jamie Finn Here’s the Video.
Live Action Lawmakers’ Summit
August 2024 in NC
Terri Marcroft & the amazing Dominique Brown spoke during the Summit’s first-ever half-day Adoption Track. Our goal was to update the lawmakers’ perception about birth mothers and help them see that pro-adoption legislation is another path to meeting their pro-life goals. Here is Dominique’s video, introducing the concept of supporting voluntary adoption to the 70 legislators in the room. Here’s Terri’s video., explaining the idea of legislation to advance adoption and care for birth mothers who choose it. Audio-only is below.
KEYNOTE at “Help One Child”
Mother’s Day Brunch for Foster & Adoptive MOMs
Terri was honored to speak before a roomful of Moms, and celebrate Mother’s Day with them.
May 11, 2024, San Jose, CA
Here’s the video …
KEYNOTE at “Idaho Chooses Life”
Annual Christmas/Fundraising Dinner
December 1, 2023, Boise/Eagle, Idaho
This yearly fundraising event, featuring a lively auction, attracted a large and passionate crowd. This year, 550 people joined in the festivities to support the cause. Here’s the video …
Delivering the Keynote Address at the “Idaho Chooses Life” Annual Christmas Dinner on Dec. 1, 2023
Relevant Radio's "Morning Air" with John Morales. Jan. 17 (...16 minutes in)
The interview on Sanctity of Life begins 17 minutes into this segment.Positively ProLife podcast on Adoption Education on Jan 16, Episode 158
Morning Light show, Salt & Light Catholic Radio, May 20, 2024
Hope, Brian and I talk adoption legislation just passed in Idaho.
Listen here.
with Brandon Tatum
with Pastor Ken Stults
The Officer Tatum Show, May 10, 2024
Brandon takes a break from his special issue on crime, “Crime is Up”, for a Mothers’ Day tribute! See 39:25 into the hour
Listen here.
Right to Life (RTL) Michigan Podcast, April 19, 2024
Pastor Ken and I sat down to talk about adoption as an option for women facing unplanned pregnancy.
Listen here.
Spirit Catholic Radio, February 7, 2024
On Spirit Catholic Radio’s Spirit Mornings program, with Jen Brown and Bruce McGregor, we talked about how much adoption has changed in the last 25 years. Here's the link to the 15-20 minute segment. Listen here.
Choose LIFE - Episode #054 - Overcomers.TV
Terri Marcroft was interviewed Pastor Chuck Reich.
Anchors of Encouragement, December 28, 2023
Terri Marcroft was interviewed on these popular podcasts
Anchors of Encouragement podcast with Tim Maudin.
From The Officer Tatum Show, Nov, 13, 2023
Author of "Pro-Family Pro-Adoption" and founder of the non-profit organization "Unplanned Good" Terri Marcroft.
Audio from Relevant Radio: Terri Marcroft, Nov 16 ,2023
HILLSDALE COLLEGE: “The Great Cover Up: What They Don’t Tell You about Abortion and Adoption”, October 4, 2023
Watch here.
HILLSDALE COLLEGE’s ‘Fact of Life’ Podcast, October 3, 2023
WRFH/Radio Free Hillsdale 101.7 FM:
Terri Marcroft: Pro-Choice, Pro-Adoption: It’s Time for a Loving, Positive Response to Unplanned Pregnancy
Audio from Relevant Radio: Terri Marcroft, July 17 ,2023
From the Median with Molly Smith. Airdate 5-31-23: Terri Marcroft, founder of Unplanned Good discusses her new book “Pro-choice, Pro-Adoption: It’s time for a Loving, Positive Response to Unplanned Pregnancy” and talks about her journey as an adoptive mother, highlighting why it is important that we, as a society must promote adoption.
Keynote at Westgate Church Foster/Adopt Ministry Kickoff
More Videos are on YouTube
More Podcasts, from 2022
Tim & Terri talk adoption!
Infant Adoption Guide Podcast with Tim Elder (infantadoptionguide.com) Episode #101
The Officer Tatum Show, December 19, 2022
Live from the show floor at AmFest, Brandon Tatum interviews Terri about her new book, what adoption involves these days, and how one might get started.
(Terri’s interview starts at 21:25 minutes into the hour)
Audio from Relevant Radio: Terri Marcroft, National Adoption Month/ Brooke Taylor, Story of Adoption, November 28, 2022
(Terri’s interview starts at 48:51 minutes into the hour)
The Meaning Code - The Convergence of Science, Art and Philosophy with Karen Wong, November 22, 2022
From the Median, with Molly Smith Nov. 23, 2022
Terri Marcroft, the founder of Unplanned Good discusses her recently published book “Pro Choice, Pro Adoption” and talks about her journey as an adoptive mother, highlighting why it is important that we, as a society promote adoption.
The Officer Tatum Show, October 26, 2022
RELEVANT RADIO’s The Drew Mariani Show
Oct. 13, 2022
RELEVANT RADIO’s Morning Air Show with John Morales, Oct. 3, 2022
(Terri’s interview starts at 25:10 minutes into the hour)
Helping (Adopted) Kids Feel Loveable & Loved
Some adoptees’ fundamental challenge is not loving themselves, but how can you love yourself if you don't know who you are? Terri goes deep into what she's learned raising her daughter to have a secure sense of self, knowing where she comes from, who she is and how much she’s loved. For any child, knowing their story is important. Click here.
The Adopting & Fostering HOME Podcast
Adoptive Mom, Terri Marcroft shares her family’s open adoption journey and the healing it can provide. At a time when open adoption provoked fear and uncertainty, the Marcrofts chose to build a strong relationship with the birth mom of their child and then let their experience encourage others. Click here.
Second Mother Podcast with Jodi Jackson Tucker
on Supporting Women in Crisis Pregnancy.
Jodi & Terri talk about what it means to be a “second Mother”. Click here and see https://secondmothers.org/.
Infant Adoption Podcast (infantadoptionguide.com) Episode #76 with Tim Elder
Understanding the Life and Heart of a Birth Mother CAFO Workshop, Dallas, TX
Adoption is a Positive Option (from fromthemedian.org)
Past Speaking Engagements - CAFO Conference
CAFO’22 was Sept. 2022 in Atlanta
A First-Hand Look Into The Heart & Mind of Moms Who Place for Adoption (60-minute panel)
This was a rare opportunity to hear directly from two beautiful birth moms! The packed audience listened intently as they shared why they chose adoption for their babies, what they expected and what was on their hearts at the time. These Moms also explained how they stayed involved in the child's upbringing, what support & care they received after placement, and how they feel now looking back on their decision.
Calvary Christian Academy, Oct.2021 Senior Retreat
CAFO 2019 in Louisville, KY
Heartbeat International 2019 in Dallas, TX
Kiwanis; Campbell, CA
CAFO May 9-11, 2018 in Dallas, TX
CAFO May 4-5, 2017 in Nashville
CAFO 2015 in Nashville
CAFO May 1-2, 2014 in Chicago
Grace (PDF)
In front of the Governor’s office
Idaho Senate State Affairs Committee Hearing,
2015 Session, Feb.16, 2015, Boise, Idaho,Theresa’s testimony starts at 24.10 min
Speaker Bio: Theresa (Terri) Marcroft
By day, Theresa works in marketing, finding creative and effective ways to grow revenues for Silicon Valley technology companies by leveraging both contemporary and classical marketing techniques. MarketSavvy offers a unique mix of practical and effective marketing advice and implementation. Since 2001, Theresa has served as “interim VP marketing” for a dozen technology start-up companies, setting each on their own high-growth path. More on her consulting business and projects she’s done, can be found at www.market-savvy.com.
Outside of her marketing work, Terri is the adoptive mom of a 24-year-old girl who is the love of her life. Terri’s all-time favorite action hero is her daughter’s birthmother, who made an adoption plan while she was a senior in high school. After ten gratifying years of parenthood, and 25 in high tech marketing & communications, Terri founded Unplanned Good so that more young women facing unplanned pregnancies might be a gift to childless couples hoping to adopt. She leads the Unplanned Good efforts to encourage pregnant girls to consider making an adoption plan. She hopes to spread the word the beauty of open adoption.
Terri manages this effort and leads Unplanned Good in her "spare time” between consulting projects. She’s now an “empty nester” since her daughter left for college, and investing more time into Unplanned Good.
Theresa holds a B.S. degree in Marketing from Santa Clara University and a Masters in International Management, which she earned magna cum laude from the renowned Thunderbird School of Global Management in Arizona.