Tess's Story
I thank God every day for our birthmother.
As a 17 year old high school senior, Dawn was an impressive girl; wise for her years, strong in her convictions, and very courageous. And she had chosen us. She had gotten pregnant on a one-night stand on New Years’ Eve, so marrying the boy was not an option for her. She never seriously considered abortion either: it was April before she told her mom what was happening, so she was well into her second trimester. Our first phone conversation was about two hours long. We met Dawn and her Mom that same week and continued on to her first ultrasound appointment, where she included us in the room so we could see the monitor when we all learned that the baby was a girl. For the next four months, I visited Dawn weekly and got to know this fabulous, brave girl.
Dawn was a good student, on the track team and the honor roll, and clearly college-bound. She had plans to attend a university, get a degree and probably attend graduate school. She envisioned a serious and successful career for herself.
Shelby was born on August 18, 1999, the single most miraculous day of my life. I will be eternally grateful for the opportunity to be in the delivery room with Dawn and her mom, and to actually SEE Shelby being born!! What an unbelievable experience.
That was ten years ago. In the last decade, Dawn went on to get a bachelors degree, then to graduate school. Two years ago, at 26, she met the man of her dreams, and they married last year.
Shelby was and is such a blessing, such an incredible gift.
As my daughter began school, we’ve been fascinated to watch her development. She excelled in all subjects and we realized she is very bright (IQ ratings off the charts!). She discovered her gift for soccer, is an avid reader, a quick wit and a beautiful girl. It was been fascinating to see this Shelby develop into the person she was meant to be, and we are so incredibly thankful that her birthmother chose to give us this precious gift.
– Tess M, San Jose, CA